

3D Virtual Surgery for Pre-Operative Shoulder Arthroplasty Decision Making

presented by Stryker

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George Athwal

Roth McFarlane Hand and Upper Limb Centre, London, ON, Canada.

Gilles Walch

Centre Orthopédique Santy, Lyon, France.

J.P. Warner

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.

 Do you have any challenging cases that have you perplexed? 
Audience will have the opportunity to submit cases prior to webinar, which the faculty will then plan live in rapid-fire succession. Click here to indicate interest in having your case planned live.

This interactive session will explore fundamental differences in new 3D shoulder arthroplasty evaluation tools compared to historical 2D methods. Join to engage in a robust Q&A with the faculty over challenging cases.

Session will begin with interactive poll based on 2D x-rays below. 
Click here
 to view Case 1 Click here for Case 2 
The faculty will then plan these live in 3D, highlighting differences in available information with 3D methods.

We have allocated 40 minutes for live case reviews. If your case is not planned during the webinar, we will hold follow-up sessions to review your case.

Release: 05/01/2018

Expiration: 05/02/2018

Location: Online

Credits: This lecture qualifies for 0 CME credit hours.

Cost: $0.0

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